15-minute training rope hiit workout

Trainer: Coach JT

Alternating Waves - 60 seconds: grab the handles, stand shoulder width apart with wide knees and a slight bend, pump arms up and down, alternating directions.


Circles - 60 seconds: grab the handles, stand shoulder width apart with your feet wide, then circle your arms out-to-in / in-to-out


Upper Cuts - 60 seconds: grab the handles, stand shoulder width apart with your feet wide, then drop your back knee, twist at the hips, and upper cut to the outside with the opposite hand. Switch sides, and repeat.


Double Arm Waves - 60 seconds: grab the handles, stand shoulder width apart with your feet wide, then wave both arms up and down.

REPEAT all four moves, 2 more times, for a total of 3 sets.

more conditioning rope exercises

Alternating waves with skaters

Trainer: Chris Freytag

A total body workout that will burn calories and improve coordination

1. Extend the rope, then grab the handles and take one giant step in

2. Hold the rope with an overhand grip and feet hip width apart

3. Alternate arms up and down from hip to chest, while performing skaters, hoping from side to side

dual arm wave

Trainer: Chris Freytag

Pump up your heart rate and work your upper body and core

1. Extend the rope, then grab the handles and take one giant step in

2. Hold the rope with an overhand grip and feet hip width apart

3. Move the arms up and down from hip to chest, keeping your shoulders relaxed and hips soft

rope circles

Trainer: Chris Freytag

A fun exercise that is great for upper body strength and mobility

1. Extend the rope, then grab the handles and take one giant step in

2. Hold the rope with an overhand grip and feet shoulder width apart

3. Move the arms in outward circles, rotating outside between the hips and the chest

upper cuts

Trainer: Chris Freytag

Pumps up your heart rate and works your arms, shoulders and chest

1. Extend the rope, then grab the handles and take one giant step in

2. Hold the rope with an underhand grip and feet hip width apart

3. Quickly drive one arm up and forward, across the body, while pivoting the same side leg

4. Continue to repeat, side to side