10-minute Dumbbell workout with gabe

*Before beginning this or any other exercise program, you should always consult with your doctor or physician.

Trainer: Gabe

12 reps, 30 seconds of rest

Front Raise
1.Start with arms down near hips, slight bend in knees and tight core
2. Bring your hands with weights up to about eye level and hold for a count. With a slight bend in the elbow, bring arms up to shoulder level and hold for a count.
3. Slowly begin to lower hands and weights back down to your starting position. Repeat.

Upright row
1. Start with feet hip width apart and hand weights in front of your body with a slight bend in your knees and tight core.
2. Drive hand weights up to shoulder height with elbows out laterally, hold for a count.
3. Come back to starting position and repeat.

Squat to overhead press
1. Start with feet hip width apart and hand weights at your shoulders with a slight bend in your knees and tight core.
2. Sit back into heels as you lower into your squat until your knees are in a 90 degree angle.
3. Press through your heels and come back up to standing position and in one fluid motion drive the hand weights over your head
4. Come back to starting position and repeat

Push-Up Row
1. Start in plank position with a hand weight in each hand
2. Keep neck and spine neutral, core tight and engaged, back flat.
3. Lower body down in push-up form and right back up
4. Drive one hand up toward armpit and elbow up and back. Squeeze lat muscle.
5. Concentrate on keeping core engaged and hips square to floor.
6. Lower hand back down to starting position and repeat push-up then row on other arm.

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